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  2. Criminal record checks

Ukraine criminal record check

Who is the source of criminal check data in the Ukraine? 

Ministry Internal Affairs - Department of Information and Analytical Support.

What is the process in the Ukraine?

The requesting party will request the check from the ATS or their Zinc account.

  • Automated instructions delivered to the candidate to upload a copy of their ID and some personal details in a dynamic webform
  • Zinc submits the request to the authorities
  • Zinc receives the results (digitally) and provides a signed digital report
  • The candidate receives a text to say the process is complete.

What is covered in the check?

This criminal history check has nationwide coverage and it covers citizens and foreigners over
18 years of age. The criminal history record check contains information for all of the following criminal
convictions of offenses, except those deleted by rehabilitation laws or considered spent:
● crimes against the national security of Ukraine
● criminal offenses against the life and health of a person
● criminal offenses against liberty, honor, and dignity of a person
● crimes against sexual freedom and sexual inviolability of a person
● criminal offenses against electoral, labor, and other personal rights and freedoms of the
● human being and the citizen
● criminal offenses against property
● economic criminal offenses
● criminal offenses against the environment
● crimes against public safety
● criminal offenses against occupational safety

● criminal offenses against traffic safety or safety of transport operations
● criminal offenses against public order and morality
● criminal offenses related to the circulation of narcotics, psychotropic substances, their analogs
or precursors, and other offenses against public health
● criminal offenses related to the protection of state secrets, inviolability of state borders,
conscription, and mobilization
● crimes against the authority of government, local government or associations of citizens
● criminal offenses against computers, computer systems, and networks
● criminal offenses against justice
● military offenses
● criminal offenses against peace, security of mankind, and international legal order
In case of records the report will include :
● date and type of sentence
● court name
● type of offense
The legal prescription of a sentence varies, depending on the type of offense committed and
sentence pronounced

What details are required to submit the check?

● Candidate name
● Birth Date
● Type of Inquiry
● Subject of Inquiry
● Consent
● SOI Full Name
● Place of Birth
● Current Address
● Passport/ID Copy

Where do I get results?

The results of the search are delivered directly to Zinc and the applicant on the Zinc report.

What is the expected turnaround time?

12-15 business days.

Privacy statement:

The details contained in this report should not be used as the sole reason for making a decision. Zinc Work Ltd is not liable for any inaccuracies or incompleteness in the information appearing in this report since it is provided to Zinc Work Ltd by third parties. This report has been produced for the purchaser of the report and Zinc Work Ltd will have no liability to loss.