What is covered in the Lithuania criminal check?

When complete, you will either be sent a ‘clear’ result, or a ‘match’ result emailed to you.

Convictions stay on an individual’s criminal record for varying periods of time. This criminal certificate
check has nationwide coverage and it covers citizens and foreigners over 18 years of age.
It contains information for all of the following criminal convictions of offenses, except those deleted by
rehabilitation laws or considered spent:
• crimes against humanity and war crimes
• crimes against the independence, territorial integrity and constitutional order
• crimes against human life and health; crimes against human liberty crimes against freedom of persons
• crimes and misdemeanors against dignity and honor
• crimes and misdemeanors against a child and a family
• crimes against the inviolability of a person’s private life
• crimes against persons’ voting and social rights; crimes against property;crimes against intellectual
• crimes against the security of electronic data and information systems
• crimes and misdemeanors against the economy and business
• crimes and misdemeanors against the financial system
• crimes and misdemeanors against civil service and public interest
• crimes and misdemeanors against justice
• crimes against public security and order
• crimes and misdemeanors relating to possession of weapons
• crimes and misdemeanors relating to possession of narcotic or psychotropic, toxic or highly active
• crimes and misdemeanors against the environment and human health
• crimes and misdemeanors against traffic safety
• crimes against morality
The legal prescription of a sentence varies, depending on the type of offense committed and sentence