What's included in the search?
The adverse media dataset is a state of the art, real-time structured data feed of companies and individuals subject to adverse media. Monitoring thousands of news sources, business and trade journals, in addition to local, regional and national newspapers, the adverse media feed isolates and highlights any entities subject to a range of adverse media. The adverse media is categorised by risk type, and encompasses media relating to accusations, arrest, trial and exoneration. Risk type includes a granular breakdown into 8 categories, which cover all FATF, or EU Money Laundering Directive, predicate offences. Adverse media profiles are enhanced by additional identifying information (location; media text; date of birth, publication date) when available.
Do false positives appear on an Adverse Media check?
Yes, since the name and date of birth are the only identifiers used on a sanctions check, it's possible false positives will appear. This is why you must assess if a match is your candidate first.
What is the source of the search?
Zinc is partnered with ComplyAdvantage a best in class solution for the search.
What identifiers are used on the Adverse Media check?
Full name, date of birth and location.
Can I see the all the lists checked?
We cannot share a full list unfortunately since that's not offered by our partner due to the frequency of sources changing.
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