When you receive a date-mismatch email from your reference check, the most important thing to do is not to panic. As a first step, you should click on the “View date mismatch” button within the email to understand what has happened. You can find more information on references mismatches on this blog: https://zinc.work/blog/post/date-mismatch-in-my-reference-check
A date mismatch happens when the dates supplied by the referee are different to the dates you put on the form. For example, you said you worked somewhere between July 2020 and December 2020, but the referee said you worked there from April 2020 to December 2020.
Your recruiter will have received an email with the date mismatch information, so if it is a problem they should let you know. Like wise you can also reach out to your recruiter and make them aware of the details of the mismatch.
Please note: For security reasons, we are not able to alter any reference provided. If we receive the explicit consent of the referee, we can reset the request for them to re-submit the reference. We also cannot let you know if the reference check will be accepted. Your recruiter will decide whether it meets the company requirements.
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