The reference check enables recruiters to be more specific with your reference requirements. We are giving more control over what type of references you accept, as well as increasing the clarity of requirements to candidates.
Key features:
- Flagging personal emails
- Skipping manual HR references when Instant Verification is available
- Streamlined & dynamic requirements
Flagging personal emails
Regulated companies typically do not accept references with personal emails.
The new and improved reference check allows you to specify in the Package Editor whether you’d like to accept personal emails or not. Under Displaying result in the Preferences section, you can choose to toggle Flag personal emails on or off, depending on your requirements.
If flagging personal emails is on, the candidate will be notified if they try to submit a personal email, and they will be prompted to provide a business email instead.
If the candidate still provides a personal email, the check will be automatically marked as consider to review or follow up as needed.
Please note this will only apply to Regulatory and HR references.
Dynamic guidance
Zinc introduced Instant Employment Verification in October 2023, allowing candidates in select countries to instantly verify their employment history without manually contacting referees.
The candidate can now view a timeline of the references they’ve submitted through Instant Verification. This means that if a candidate has only partially completed their Instant Verification, they’ll be able to see exactly which organisation is missing, and avoid submitting multiple references for the same organisation.
Skipping manual HR references when Instant Employment Verification is available
If you’d prefer to only see Instant Employment Verification, you can choose to Skip manual HR references. This will remove the option for the candidate to provide additional HR references, ensuring that you only receive one type of employment verification.
This setting can only be turned on if you’re using Unified References. This reduces the likelihood that candidates submit the same referee for different types of references. However, this also means that if you’re not requesting a Professional or Regulatory reference, you won’t be able to turn this on.
If you have any other questions, please reach our to your account manager or reach out to Zinc via the live chat.
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