Who is the source of criminal check data in Sweden?
National Police
What is the process in Sweden?
The requesting party will request the check from the ATS or their Zinc account.
- Automated instructions are delivered to the candidate to upload a copy of their ID, some personal details in a dynamic web form, and a specific consent form hand signed.
- Zinc submits the request to the authorities
- Zinc receives the results (digitally) and provides a signed digital report
- The candidate receives a text to say the process is complete.
What details are required from the candidate to submit the check?
- First Name
- Last Name
- Birth Date
- Consent
- Specific Application form (printed and hand signed)
The form is available for the candidate to download a copy, fill in, and upload it at Zinc with their checks.
What is covered in the criminal check?
The Certificate contains information of all criminal convictions of offenses except those
deleted by rehabilitation laws or considered spent for the following categories of subjects:
- Subjects sentenced in criminal courts (fine sentence included)
- Subjects for whom a case prosecution had been abstained from
- Subjects with an issued restraining order against them.
- Crimes against life and health
- Crimes against liberty and peace
- Defamation
- Sexual crimes (e.g. minors)
- Crimes against the family
- Theft
- Robbery and other crimes of stealing
- Fraud and other dishonesty
- Embezzlement and other breaches of trust
- Crimes against creditors
- Crimes involving public danger
- Crimes against public order
- Perjury; false prosecution and other untrue statement
- Crimes against public activity
- Crimes of falsification
- Conspiracy and Complicity
- Preparation
- Crimes of lese-majesty
- Treason
- Crimes against the security of the realm
- Crimes by members of the armed forces
- Attempt
- Misuse of office
The legal prescription of a sentence varies between 3 and 20 years, depending on the type of
offense committed. The maximum prescription of a sentence to be held in the Swedish
criminal records database is 20 years. If there is more than one criminal record for an
individual, all information will remain visible until all the convictions are considered “spent”.
For subjects aged under 18, at the time of the perpetration of the offense, the information is in
general kept for only 3 or 5 years; depending on the type of sentence. Imprisonment sentences
are excluded from this exception, but it is highly unusual for individuals under 21 to be
sentenced to prison in Sweden.
What is the expected turnaround time?
Period covered by the check:
Privacy statement:
The details contained in this report should not be used as the sole reason for making a decision. Zinc Work Ltd is not liable for any inaccuracies or incompleteness in the information appearing in this report since it is provided to Zinc Work Ltd by third parties. This report has been produced for the purchaser of the report and Zinc Work Ltd will have no liability to loss.
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